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Teen Crown & Glory United Kingdom 2014-2015 Whitney Bridges

Whitney Bridges is 17 years old and lives in Flintshire, North Wales where she attends Deeside College on a hair and beauty course.


In her spare time, Whitney enjoys the gym, leading a healthy lifestyle, socialising with friends and carrying out charity work as much as possible using her title, by putting on fundraising events such as 'Glam' Fashion show and attending others charity events. 


How did you get into the beauty pageants?


Whitney: I first started beauty pageants at the age of 13. I love the glitz and glamour of being on stage and have since competed in in many pageants local and internationally


What did you do in the run up to the TEEN national final?


Whitney: I was detirmened to win crown and glory i knew it would be a though competition so i put all my detirmination and efforts into being the best i could be during the run up to the finals i worked a lot with the dean pupplett apeal making awareness of deans charity and raising as many funds as possible for him and i ensured i was active within my community making appearances and sp.reading awarness of the pageant


How did you feel during Teen Crown & Glory UK 2014?


Whitney: I felt nervous but excited this was the second time i had entered the crown and glory final the first time being 13 and now being 16 i felt it was my time so i made sure i was up to standard and that i put my all into it


How did you feel when your name was called as the winner?


Whitney: I just cried!!! haha i couldnt belive it i think it was mostly relievment from all the hard work id been doing in the run up the the day i felt honoured and priveleged after winning i had mcdonalds and fell asleep not so glamorous haha!


Do you have any tips for the stage?


Whitney: If at first you dont suceed try try again!!!!


Any tips for preparing?


Whitney: Like anything in life you have to work for it failure to prepare is preparing to fail!!! dont worry about clothes and jewellry because at the end of the day it isnt the dress its the girl in the dress thats important


What are your ambitions and plans for the future?


Whitney: Im taking it all one step at a time at this moment in time im only foused on having fun!!!

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